Essential of your palates

When was the last time you gave your roof of mouth a lot of thought? Probably when you burn yourself painfully with hot tea or coffee or when you feel a sharp object poke it while chewing.

The roof of your mouth is also known as your palates. You may have heard the term when talking about wine tasting or finding out about certain ingredients in food or drinks. Why? Because part of your palate is where your taste buds are located, in addition to the ones you find on your tongue.

Essential for your function

Your floor is divided into two separate parts. The front part has ridges and is solid (hard palate). The back part is relatively smooth and flexible (soft palate).

Soft palate: This is where the taste buds are located. Made up of flexible muscles and connective tissue, it closes your nasal passages when you swallow. The soft palates ends with the uvula, which hangs down from the midline at the back of the mouth.

Hard palate: This part of the upper mouth is characterized by ridges that look like large wrinkles, starting just behind the upper front teeth and moving further into the mouth. However, some people’s hard palates can also be smooth. The hard palate is essential for both feeding and the tongue.

your palates
image credit goes to

The hard palate meets the soft palate, and the two structures work together to separate the nasal cavity from the mouth. Your palate makes sure your food is taken in properly, all while allowing you to interact with other people.

Discomfort of your palates

Your hard and soft palates are prime sites for oral cancer to develop. Because oral cancer can be completely asymptomatic until it becomes more serious, it is essential for us to regularly assess the health of your tissues. If precancerous tissue is noted, a small biopsy will be ordered.

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Palatal infections are also quite common, especially in elderly patients and infants. If you wear dentures but do not remove them regularly, infections such as thrush or other yeast infections of the mouth can occur. An antibiotic may be necessary, along with instructions on the proper care and maintenance of your removable prosthesis.

Even if you no longer have natural teeth, the health of your oral tissues – including your palate – is extremely important. Schedule an oral health exam every six months!

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