The best yoga positions to relieve sunburn

Yoga is a calming treatment for sunburn. This is a guide to using mild yoga poses and practices to assist ease discomfort and encourage healing. Always pay attention to your body’s signals and stay away from any positions or motions that hurt or discomfort it. After your practice, make sure to drink plenty of water and apply aloe vera or a calming moisturiser to any sunburnt areas. Sunburnt skin can be soothed and healed with these gentle and effective yoga positions and practices.

Always pay attention to your body’s signals and stay away from any positions or motions that hurt or discomfort it. After your practice, make sure to drink plenty of water and apply aloe vera or a calming moisturiser to any sunburnt areas. These yoga positions can be a kind and practical means of promoting healing and providing relief for practitioners. Always pay attention to your body’s signals and stay away from any positions or motions that hurt or discomfort it. After your practice, make sure to drink plenty of water and apply aloe vera or a calming moisturiser to any sunburnt areas. Sunburnt skin can be gently and effectively relieved and healed with these yoga poses:

yoga pose

Balasana: Child’s Pose

Begin by spreading your legs apart and touching your big toes while kneeling on the mat. Lower your forehead to the floor while sitting back on your heels and extend your arms in front of you or besides your body. This pose relieves sunburnt areas by gently stretching the legs, hips, and back.

The Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana)

Place your knees under your hips and your wrists beneath your shoulders to assume a tabletop position. For the cow posture, inhale as you elevate your head and tailbone and arch your back; for the cat pose, exhale as you round your spine and tuck your chin. This motion aids in releasing tension in the spine and gradually stretching it.

Forward Bend While Seated (Paschimottanasana)

With your legs out in front of you, take a seat on the mat. Exhale to fold forward from your hips and reach for your shins or feet. Inhale to lengthen your spine. Make sure to move gently and refrain from pushing yourself more into the stretch. This pose stretches the back of the body and aids in mental calmness.

woman in paschimottanasana pose

Standing Forward Bend (Padahasthasana)

The founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa and Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, a yoga instructor, states that the Standing Forward Bend (Padahasthasana) should be performed standing tall with your feet hip-width apart. Lean forward from your hips and release the breath while bending your knees just a little. Let your head and neck relax, and your upper body hang limp. The hamstrings, spine, and entire back of the body are all gently stretched in this pose.Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, the founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa and a yoga guru, says to “Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.” Lean forward from your hips and release the breath while bending your knees just a little. Let your head and neck relax, and your upper body hang limp. The hamstrings, spine, and entire back of the body are all gently stretched in this pose.

Default Position (Savasana)

Placing your arms at your sides with your palms facing up, lie down on your back. Shut your eyes and let your body sink into the mat with complete relaxation. Concentrate on relaxing your body and taking deep breaths to relieve any tension or soreness. For many minutes, hold this stance to encourage general healing and relaxation.

Breath of Cooling (Sheetali Pranayama)

Sit with your shoulders relaxed and your back straight. Your tongue should be curled and inserted just beyond your lips. With your tongue curved, take a deep breath through it, then shut your mouth and release it through your nose. This breath helps reduce sunburn discomfort by cooling the body.


Spend a few minutes in meditation to further still the mind and aid in healing after your practice. Take a seat comfortably and concentrate on your breathing or a peaceful chant. Give yourself permission to release any tension or stress and focus just on the here and now.


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